Saturday, 16 February 2013

UNESCO Campaign for Venice - Cuba

SG 1985.  Stylised flood waters and Lion of St Mark.

SG 1986.  Stylised flood waters and Bridge of Sighs.

 SG 1987.  Stylised flood waters and St Mark's Basilica.

UNESCO Campaign for Venice - Gabon

 SG 443.  Il Bacine Verso il Canal Grande (detail), Vanvitelli (1653-1736)

SG 444.  Venezia Ponte di Rialto (detail), Caffi (1809-1866)

SG 445.  Il Bacine Verso il Canal Grande (detail), Vanvitelli (1653-1736)

UNESCO Campaign for Venice - Upper Volta (Burkina Faso)

SG 361.  La Musica, Pietro Lunghi (1702-1785)

SG 362.  Panorama da Ponte della Marina (detail), Caffi (1809-1866)

Friday, 15 February 2013

UNESCO Campaign for Venice - Egypt

SG 937.   Views of Florence and Venice, issued in 1967 by Egypt for the UNESCO Campaign.
Ca d'Oro Palace (Venice)
Santa Maria Cathedral (Florence)

SG 937.   Views of Florence and Venice, issued in 1967 by Egypt for the UNESCO Campaign.
Palace of the Doges and Campanile (Venice)
Vecchio Palace, aka Palazzo della Signoria (Florence)

The stamps also show the Winged Lion of St Mark, emblem of Venice and the Fleur de Lys, emblem of Florence.  

UNESCO Campaign for Venice - Khmer Republic (Cambodia)

 SG 316.  Stylised flood water and St Mark's lion. 

SG 317.  Stylised flood water and Bridge of Sighs. 

 SG 318.  Stylised flood water and St Mark's Basilica.

There is also a Mini Souvenir Sheet (MS 319) which I'm currently missing :-(.  Hopefully soon...

UNESCO Campaign for Venice - Algeria

SG 589.  Stylised flood water and St Mark's lion.

SG 590.  Stylised flood water and Bridge of Sighs.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Italy 1978 - Europa

Two stamps issued in Italy in 1978.  

SG 1550 shows the Maschio Angioino in Naples. 

SG 1551 shows the Pantheon in Rome.

Italy 1952 - 1st Civil Aeronautics Law Conference

Stamp issued in Italy for the ICAO Conference taking place in Rome in Sept-Oct 1952.   The plane flying over the Colosseum is a Savoia-Marchetti SM.95.

UNESCO Campaign for Venice - Vatican

Vatican stamps issued in 1972 for the UNESCO Campaign to Save Venice.

SG 574, The transporting of the body of St Mark to Venice (mosaic, St Mark's Basilica, 13th Century)

SG 575-8, Map of Venice (fresco, Ignazio Danti, Galleria delle Geografiche,Vatican, 16th Century)

(C) All photographs copyright RomeOnStamps Blog.

A view of the 120 metre-long Gallery of Maps in the Vatican Museum Belvedere Wing where the map of Venice can be found.  There are 40 maps of all the regions of Italy, including their most important cities.  It took just about 18 months to complete the project started in 1580 at the instigation of Pope Gregory XIII.

SG 579, St Mark's Basilica

MS 580, Mini Souvenir Sheet depicting all issued stamps.

UNESCO Campaign for Venice - Monaco

Venice, with its surrounding lagoon, is unique. In this city on the water, where the idea of terra firma is meaningless, a thousand years has seen the creation of an extraordinary museum of architecture.
But this cultural and natural heritage is very seriously threatened. The image of a beautiful romantic city was shattered on 4 November 1966, when torrential rain devastated the north of Italy and flooded both Venice and Florence on a scale never seen before. The damage was enormous. The cruel toll in human lives, and the physical destruction, were compounded by damage to thousands of works of art.
The sight of the neglected state into which the heritage of the city of the Doges had fallen shocked the international community. The General Conference of UNESCO, which was meeting at the time, decided that its Director-General, René Maheu, should launch in its name an appeal for international solidarity.
This generous movement is still going strong, and 30 years later, there is unanimous agreement on the successful results both of the technical achievements and of international cooperation.  But Venice still needs attentive care, and its continued survival depends on our unflagging vigilance.

This is the first arrival in my new collection: the UNESCO Campaign for the Safeguard of Venice which was launched on 02 December 1966 following devastating floods.

The stamps were issued in Monaco in 1972 and depict Venice in 18th Century paintings:
  • Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo by Canaletto (SG 1043)
  • San Pietro di Castello by Guardi (SG 1044)
  • Piazzetta San Marco by Bellotto (SG1045)


